Saturday, 27 August 2011


 Many saints have come and gone over the millenniums, preached and perished like Gandhi, but only Reinforcing existing Establishment and decaying Indian Social System, Class Structure and Exploitations, all in the name of reasonable responsible exploitations, tolerable work load, with a human face and good sweet smile!  But at times came the real great ones, who broke many barriers of evil practices injustices, and opened the paths to liberation and justice, for the ultimate liberty of the suffering downtrodden more

Lord Gautama Buddha gave us the Philosophies of Peace, Non-Violence, Kindness to all, and Ahimsa or No Torture towards even Animals!

Mahatma Jyotibha Phule, analytically showed the extent of exploitation injustices and parasitic lives of the brahmanic priestly classes, and the stupidity of the Rulers in serving the brahmanic interests; and meeting their unreasonable demands, unproductive needs, and lazy lives.

Sahu Maharaj, the Kolhapur King showed, what an enlightened sensible and really responsive Ruler could do, and in fact should be!

Periyar made the people to realise their self-respect, and assert their dignity.  He asked them to reject the religious practices, brahmanic priestly prescriptions, and also boycott all ritualism, brahmanic demands, and raised them against Brahmanism.  Though Periyar outlived Ambedkar, it is Ambedkar who could after Lord Buddha, take the Question of Social Justice Nation wide, and made it a National Struggle of the People!

Ambedkar showed us the ways to Liberty, Freedom, all Justice, Development and Education, and gave us the Courage to protest against exploitations, fight for our Rights and all Justices, social, political, economic, and cultural.

The Struggle for Social Justice to the Common People, particularly the Weaker Sections like SC&ST Dalits, is long protracted and endlessly ongoing!


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